Feb 23, 2018

EBS iRecruitment: Disable Vacancy Editing for Hiring Managers

Majority of organizations go through 1-level or 2-level approval process before publishing the vacancies/requisitions in external websites and job portals. Once applicants start applying for vacancy, hiring managers/recruiters take over and manage application details/statuses. And there is no need to edit vacancy details once it is published. Have you ever wanted to disable vacancy edit options for hiring managers? Well, you are not alone, many of them wish the same and you will know how after reading this article.

First thought to address such a requirement, is to try using OA page personalizations to hide the update buttons and icons. Well, if you take this road, you will soon realize, it may not be a good idea.

Vacancy in iRecruitment module can be edited at couple of different places, one using the pencil icon after searching for vacancy and another using "update" button upon clicking on vacancy name.

Seeded functionality of vacancy update options is based on function security and works on SPEL syntax as shown below. i.e OA page at runtime, checks the function availability "IRC_VAC_DETS_EDIT" and enable/disable vacancy update options.

Here is a simple trick to do this. Navigate to System Administrator -> Security -> Responsibility -> Define screen and query for your responsibility and add a new entry in "Menu Exclusions" sub tab at the bottom section of the form.

Exclusion Type: Function
Exclude Functions:
- Irc CM Home Page Create Vacancy
- Irc Vacancy Details – Create
- Irc Vacancy Details - Edit

You might have to clear global cache from Functional Admin for this change to take immediate affect. This is how pages looks like after adding exclusions.

Is this helpful? Comment below to let me know.


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