Jun 24, 2015

OAF Personalization - Changing Prompt Style for messageChoice Item

If you reached this article via search engine, most likely you are as much frustrated as I am right now. OAF pages are highly customizable via personalizations but sometimes its very difficult to do simple things.

Changing Prompt formatting style for few items like messageStyledText, messageChoice etc.. isn’t straight forward as it appears. BLAFguidelines offer no direct CSS class that can do this. CSS class formatting for such items are applied only to data portion and not to prompt.

This is how it looks like, when a CSS class is selected for a message choice item. Notice the Prompt is plain text and values are in bold here.

 If your requirement is also to change the prompt style to bold, then try this workaround. Idea is to divide the message choice text into two separate items (Prompt and Data) and include them in rowLayout to bind them together. Item1 - Formatted Text (displays Prompt) and Item2 - messageChoice item (no Prompt and displays only Values). Following snapshot shows how the items look like in JDeveloper. Notice the bold style Prompt after these changes.

Hope you find it useful too. Do you have any other workarounds in mind, please leave a comment below.

Thanks for reading this article.